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Navigating the Healthcare Landscape: Lessons from Allina Health Aetna

During this year’s MedCityInvest Digital Health conference, Demi Radeva, one of Digital Health Today’s global ambassadors, had the chance to sit down one-on-one with Tom LIndquist, CEO, Allina Health Aetna. In response to the challenges and opportunities posed by ever evolving health system in the U.S., Allina Health Aetna was born as a joint venture between Allina Health, a premier health system in Minnesota and Aetna, the insurance giant. In a candid conversation, the chief executive of the Allina Health Aetna will discuss a new model for collaboration, proactive care, the reimbursement model that will entice any payer or provider system to partner with an innovator in the digital health space.

Q1: What does the JV model between Allina Health & Aetna allow the companies to do, that any other type of partnership doesn’t?

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